Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Science Quiz - Questions and Answers

Here are the questions and answers for the open book quiz:

1. An acute hazardous chemical: B - Shows it effect slowly
2. Acute hazardous chemicals show their reactions within: C - 48 hours
3. The lead compound contained in leaded gasoline is: A - Acutely poisonous
4. The symbol indicating a moderate explosive is: B - 7
5. The symbol indicating a moderate fire hazard is: B - 6
6. The symbol indicating a slight corrosive danger is: E - 4
7. The symbol indicating an extreme poison is: C - 9
8. The symbol indicating a moderate poison is: A - 5
9. The symbol indicating a low fire hazard is: D - 2
10. If the symbols and appear on a product key they indicate that the product is: A - Poisonous and flammable
11. An antidote is: C - A material that counteracts the effect of a hazardous chemical
12. Which of the following products contains an acid? A - Vinegar
13. Soaps and detergents help to remove oils from clothing because: A - They are able to form attractive forces with water and with oils
14. Compared to making suds in hard water, making suds in soft water requires: B - More soap
15. Hard water is called "hard" because it contains: A - High concentrations of dissolved substances
16. In which household situation below would you want to use a non-reactive chemical? A - Polishing brass
17. Symbol #1 above indicates: A - Compressed gas
18. Symbol #2 above indicates: C - Immediately, seriously toxic
19. Symbol #3 above indicates: D - Other toxic effects
20. Symbol #4 above indicates: E - Corrosive
21. Symbol #5 above indicates: D - Flammable & combustible
22. Symbol #6 above indicates: B - Oxidizer
23. Symbol #7 above indicates: A - Biohazard
24. Symbol #8 above indicates: E - Dangerously reactive

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lemon Battery

Today we made and tested a lemon battery. Two lemons connected to a voltmeter produced 1.9 volts. A diagram that I made using Paint is below:

Monday, February 05, 2007

Where and Why Science Accidents Occur: Main Points

The main points of the article posted here are:

  • Overcrowding in science labs, especially for grade 8 and 9 students is generally not a good idea
  • Students should be completely clear on the safety rules of the experiments that they are carrying out
  • All teachers that are given a post in teaching any course that is related to science should be formally taught laboratory safety
  • New science textbooks should be written so they explain laboratory safety clearly and concisely

I agree with the information in this report and also agree with the recommendations.